Principal Designer - CDMPD and BRPD

Our extensive knowledge of all aspects of construction ensures that we are able to readily perform the role of Principal Designer (CDM and BR) under the Construction (Design and management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), Building Safety Act 2022, and The Building Regulations 2010.

We have the Behavioural, Legislative, Management, and Technical competence to fulfil both roles.

We advise our clients to make the appointments of the BRPD and all other parties contributing to the design at an early stage of the design process.

In the earlier stages of the design phase, this coordination of the design to compliance reduces the risk of developing into non-compliant work later.

Design work which needs to be re-done because there was inadequate coordination to compliance has a significant risk of causing delays which could have a more detrimental effect on the project the later they occur.